Facility Rental

Hall Rental For Members & Immediate Family
- $100.00
- Requires 30 days notice
- $75.00 deposit required for date reservation
- Includes all tables & chairs
- The liability waiver must be signed and submitted either in person or via regular mail, as copies or emails are not accepted due to our insurance requirements.
Hall Rental By Non-Members
- $250.00
- Requires 30 days notice
- $75.00 deposit for date reservation
- Includes all tables & chairs
- The liability waiver must be signed and submitted either in person or via regular mail, as copies or emails are not accepted due to our insurance requirements.

Hall Rental For Member Non-Sanctioned Function
- CPL courses-$50.00
- All other functions/classes are $10.00 per hour
- The liability waiver must be signed and submitted either in person or via regular mail, as copies or emails are not accepted due to our insurance requirements.
Gun Range Rentals
- The liability waiver must be signed and submitted either in person or via regular mail, as copies or emails are not accepted due to our insurance requirements.

Other Rental Costs Per Day
- Large tent $25.00
- 8’tables $3.00 each
- Chairs $1.00 each
Requires two weeks notice and payment due at time of pick up. Items must be returned 24 hours of last day rental.

Gun Range Rentals
- Large tent $25.00
- 8’tables $3.00 each
- Chairs $1.00 each
Requires two weeks notice and payment due at time of pick up. Items must be returned 24 hours of last day rental.
For all rentals, please contact Nikki McDonald at (734) 368-8239
Send deposit to P.O. Box 395, Grass Lake MI 49240