Donate Donations to Grass Lake Sportsman's Club are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Donate Donations to Grass Lake Sportsman's Club are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Shooting Team

Shooting Team

CS Strykers Shooting Team competes against other SASP  & SCTP Teams, locally, regionally, and Nationally.  The National umbrella is the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) which incorporates Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP)  and Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP).

To teach the next generation safe gun handling and usage of firearms to grow the love of the shooting sports through personal development and responsibility.

Youth Shotgun Team

Ages 10+ for shooting clay

Practices on Monday, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays – depends on Shotgun Discipline

For more information, please contact Tim Grzadzinski at (734) 417-5892 or [email protected]

Youth Pistol & Rifle Team

Ages 8+ for steel target shooting

Practices on Wednesday evenings at Grass Lake Sportsmans Club

For more information, please contact Chrissy Grzadzinski at (810) 231-6362 or [email protected]


CS Strykers Shooting Team LEGACY FUND

CS Strykers Shooting Team has had a generous donor in honor of Jamie Bollinger. With these funds, necessary team items for both teams were purchased. In addition to these items, the funds have helped offset the cost of at least two athletes that may not have been able to compete this season without the generous donation. 

To maintain confidentiality, the name of our donor will remain anonymous at this time. CS Strykers Shooting Team is extremely grateful for donations such as this to help educate youth on firearm safety and to bring awareness to the shooting sports. Thank you!

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